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Knowledge base
MaxiFi User Manual
Getting Started
Getting Started
Setting Up Your Family
Getting Started Video Series
Finding Help
Importing Social Security History
View all 7
Basic Concepts
Maximizing Your Plan
Two Approaches and Two Purposes to Planning (why be so cautious?)
Discretionary Spending
Smoothing Living Standard/Consumption
Cash Constraint
View all 8
Understanding Reports
Lifetime Balance Sheet
Regular Asset Saving Plan Report
Understanding Your Report
Alternative Profiles and Comparison Reports
Updating Your Data and Rerunning Your Base Plan
View all 12
Video Tutorials
Roth Conversion Optimizer
Roth Conversions
MaxiFi Walkthrough
Reading Reports
The Retirement Date
View all 12
Larry's Podcasts / Columns
In Depth Conversation with Wade Pfau on Retirement Planning
The Social Security Fairness Act May Mean Big Bucks If You Work(ed) in Non-Covered Employment and Even If You Don't
Wall Street Is Getting Roth Conversions Terribly Wrong
Boldin's (New Retirement) Roth Conversion and Retirement Advice. Not What Economics Orders
There's Money in Them Thar Roth Conversions
View all 16
General Topics
How long will this take?
What will the report look like if I leave names blank?
I add up the yearly numbers but they don't match the lifetime totals. Why?
Why do you ask about child disability?
Inflation and Rate of Return Data
View all 11
Earnings and Pensions
How do I know if a pension is covered or non-covered?
Should my military pension be entered as a non-covered pension?
Why does my pension amount decrease every year when it should be inflation adjusted?
What if I don't have access to my deceased or divorced spouse's past covered earnings?
What If I'm past my full retirement age (FRA) but the software is asking for my estimated retirement benefit at my FRA?
View all 12
Social Security
What are the different types of Social Security benefits?
How does the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015 affect me?
What are Childhood Disability Benefits (CDB), Social Security Disability Benefits (DIB) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits?
For benefit amounts or estimates, do you want the gross benefit amount before deductions?
What do you mean by past covered earnings?
View all 23
Maximized Social Security Report
How do I ensure I'll actually file as intended?
Do you account for lost earnings on investments I sell to allow me to delay filing for benefits?
How do I apply for Social Security benefits?
Can the software's estimates match AnyPIA's estimates if I'm under age 62?
Why does the software show one spouse claiming before their FRA and suspending soon after?
View all 11
Pro Features
How do I customize the report cover page?
Child's Benefits
Covered Earnings
Disability Benefits
Earnings Deduction
Earnings Test
View all 14
Field-Specific Help
Growth Rate
Non-Covered Pensions and Retirement Accounts
Pension Percent Inflation Indexing
What-If (Planned) Benefit Filing Dates
MaxiFi Topics
How are inflation rate and nominal rate of return determined and used in MaxiFi?
Why does the maximum age of life default to 100?
End of Year
First-Year Accounting for Assets
Cares Act
View all 22
How can I purchase a life insurance plan that decreases every year to match these numbers?
How did you come up with the life insurance coverage amount?
What if I don't see any life insurance recommendations?
How are Medicare Part B premiums calculated?
How do I enter Long Term Care (LTC) policy premium?
View all 6
Special Data Entry
Special Expenses and Receipts
Special Data Fields
Medicare B
Rates of Return
Capital Gains and Qualified Dividends
View all 13
Housing and Real Estate
Mortgage, property tax, homeowners insurance
One year in my plan has a large negative number in the Housing column, why is that?
Is my mortgage eligible for the higher pre-TCJA interest deduction limit?
How do I see the impact of paying off a mortgage early?
How do I model moving into a home I now rent?
View all 10
Why does my annual discretionary spending amount go up? I thought it was supposed to be the same every year.
One year in my plan has a large negative number in the Total Spending column. Why?
How do I leave an inheritance for kids?
What is Per-Adult Living Standard and how is it calculated?
How are the adult equivalents for various combinations of adults and children calculated?
View all 9
How do you handle tax advantages of 529 plans?
Mid-year and end of year changes to your plan
How are regular assets and retirement assets accounted for in the reports?
How can I treat unrealized long term capital gains in regular assets?
How do reserve funds work?
View all 8
Retirement Accounts
How do I change when retirement withdrawals start?
Why are there retirement withdrawals before the date I set?
Do you account for Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs)?
Why is there a large negative net addition to my retirement accounts in one year and then no more assets?
How does the program help me use a Roth account?
View all 13
Annuity Income
Discretionary Spending
FICA Taxes
Fixed Spending
View all 16
Field-Specific Help
Annual Increase
Annual Living Standard Index
Annuity Growth Rate
Change in Survivors' Living Standard
View all 19
Screen Guides
Current/Future Earnings Screen
Pension Screen
Annuities Screen
Social Security Record Screen
Special Receipts Screen
View all 15
How To's
How do I change marital status?
How to import past covered earnings
How to see the impact of a cut in Social Security benefits
How to Adjust or Disable Life Insurance
Modeling Term Life Insurance in Survivor Reports
View all 7
MaxiFi Premium/PRO Topics
Living Standard Monte Carlo
How are inflation rate and safe rates of return used in Monte Carlo Risk Analysis?
What is the MaxiFi Comfort Index?
Exploring Sequence of Return Risk
Setting up Monte Carlo
Manage Assets and Investment Strategies
View all 22
Contingency Planning
Contingency Planning
How do contingency settings affect my plan?
How do contingency settings work for retirement age?
How do contingency settings work for retirement account contributions?
How do contingency settings work for future earnings?
View all 7
Sample Families
Sample Family Overview
Sample - Married Family
Sample - Single Family
Sample - John Samuels (Roth Conversion Optimizer)
Reading Sample Married Reports
Reading Sample Married Family--Move to New State
Reading Sample Married Family--Maximize the Base
Reading Base Plan Maximized--Fix Constraint
Reading Sample Plan--Future Special Expenses
Reading Sample Family--Roth Conversion
View all 7
General Sales and Support
Purchase and Renewal
Do you automatically renew my subscription?
How do I renew my subscription?
Can you tell me a little more about the Expert Review?
Reactivate Subscription
How do I cancel my subscription?
License Questions
Can others in my financial planning office use this software?
Can I use the household version to help my friends?
Security and Privacy
Is my data secure?
Will your software work on my iPad, tablet, phone, or other mobile device?
What operating systems (Mac, Windows, etc.) does your software work on?
Troubleshooting Login Problems
MaxiFi Sales and Support
Features and Benefits
How Does MaxiFi Differ From My Current Financial Planning Tool?
Is MaxiFi up to date with the latest tax law changes?
Can MaxiFi help me if I’m nowhere near retirement?
Can MaxiFi help me if I’m already retired?
Does MaxiFi include investment or portfolio analysis?
View all 7
PRO Topics
Organizations and Family Sharing
Organizations and Family Sharing Overview
Set Up an Organization
Invite Members to Join an Organization
Remove a Member from your Organization
Change access level for members of an Organization
View all 7