As a Financial Planner, you can choose to display your company logo and/or other contact information on a cover page on the PDF report. Follow the instructions below to enter your information so the cover page will be produced. A logo is optional, but if you wish to show your own logo, first save your logo to a location on your hard drive. Logos may be up to 750 pixels wide and 300 pixels tall. The maximum file size is 200KB.
NOTE: At a minimum, you must provide a Company Name for the cover page to display.
- Click the 'Edit Report Customizations' button (found on the report download screen or your user screen).
- This should take you to your 'My Account' page. Click on the Edit tab.
- Scroll down to the 'Picture' area and browse to find the location where you saved your logo.
- Click the 'Save' button at the bottom of the screen.
- Click the Edit tab and then click the 'Financial Planner Information' link.
- Enter your Company Name and any other contact information you would like to display
- Click 'Save'.
- Click 'Return to Calculator' and run your report.
Now you should see a cover page when you produce the PDF report. If you do not, be sure that you have entered in at least your Company Name on the Financial Planner Information page