If you are trying to run your Base Plan and run into an error message saying "Your plan is unaffordable," there are a few key areas to check in your plan:

  • Housing data: The most common issues revolve around housing. You may have an extra zero in a mortgage amount or payment amount.
  • Housing Real Appreciation Rate: Another housing-related issue is if you have set the Real Appreciation Rate for the home set very high, for example 4%, 5%, 6%. If your home value appreciates quickly, real estate taxes can quickly become astronomical because they will grow exponentially. Note that the Real Appreciation Rate is "Real", i.e., above and beyond inflation and should be set for the long term, not high appreciation rates that may not be the case in the future.
  • Special Expenses: Be sure you haven't entered a very large expense in a year where you may be cash constrained.
  • Settings and Assumptions: For any settings where you've overridden default values, be sure the values are accurate.
  • Income and Assets: Review your income and asset data to be sure you've correctly entered all sources of income and asset balances.
  • If you entered Real Estate Investment property, check your  numbers to be sure you included receipts and not just expenses. The year it was put into service needs to be accurate, not 1900 which will cause an error. 
  • If you entered your regular assets and marked them all as reserve funds, this could cause a problem in the first year making the plan unaffordable. MaxiFi may need that liquidity to pay for fixed expenses. 

If you check these areas and still run into the error message, contact support for a closer look.