The Maximized Plan in MaxiFi Planner includes the exact same accurate and comprehensive Social Security optimization we have in our Maximize My Social Security (MMSS) tool.

MaxiFi Planner offers the additional context of a full, lifetime financial plan so you can see, and adjust, the real impact on your lifetime living standard. For example, if postponing Social Security to maximize benefits means you will be short on income until Social Security kicks in at age 70, you can use MaxiFi Planner to create a comprehensive financial plan that will help "smooth" this living standard through the shortfall.

Both programs allow you to see the total lifetime maximized benefits compared to the "what-if" lifetime benefits of Social Security filing dates you specify. However, because MMSS is a more focused program, it provides a lengthier, more detailed comparison report showing all the Social Security benefit details side-by-side, whereas in MaxiFi Planner the Social Security report is one of many reports but still clearly shows the best SS benefit collection strategy. The detailed MMSS report also provides several pages of additional explanation about different Social Security benefits and the ins-and-outs of filing strategies.

The Professional version of MMSS provides two reports that are not found in MaxiFi Planner: a Longevity report allowing side-by-side comparison of different maximum ages and an Alternate Plans report that allows you to compare three different what-if scenarios side-by-side.

In short, if you don't want a comprehensive financial plan but just want to know your optimized Social Security filing strategy, MMSS may be all you need. If you want a comprehensive financial plan with Social Security (and other) optimizations, then MaxiFi Planner may be all you need. If you (or your clients) want the comprehensive financial plan and also detailed, focused reports comparing the Social Security benefits and strategies, you may want both tools.